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Short-term Residence Permit
(1) The following foreigners may be granted a short term residence permit:
a) People who will come for scientific research purposes
b) Türkiye’de taşınmaz malı bulunanlar
c) People who will establish a trade connection or business
ç) People who will participate in in-service training programs
e) Turizm amaçlı kalacaklar
f) People who will receive treatment without carrying one of the diseases described as a threat to public health
g) People who must remain in Turkey upon request or decision of judicial or administrative authorities
h) People who changed from family residence permit to short-term residence permit
h) Türkçe öğrenme kurslarına katılacaklar
j) People who will participate in education, research, internships and courses in Turkey through public institutions
k) People who have completed their higher education in Turkey and apply within six months from the date of graduation
(2) Kısa dönem ikamet izni, her defasında en fazla birer yıllık sürelerle verilir.
(3) Türkçe öğrenme kurslarına katılacaklar kapsamında verilen ikamet izinleri en fazla iki defa verilebilir.
(4) Residence permits issued within the scope of those who apply within six months from the date of graduation from those who complete their higher education in Turkey can be granted maximum of one year for one time.
Where to apply for a residence permit?
Who is exempted from residence permit?
B) Çıkma izni alarak Türk vatandaşlığınızı kaybettiyseniz,
C) If you have an international protection application registration certificate,
D) If you are exempted from residence permit by bilateral or multilateral agreements to which the Republic of Turkey is a party,
E) If you are a diplomatic or consular official in Turkey or their spouse and dependent children,
F) If you are working in the representative offices of international organizations in Turkey,
G) Uluslararası koruma başvuru sahibi kimlik belgeniz var ise,
H) If you have a stateless person ID card,
I) If you have a valid work permit,
You will be exempt from the residence permit. However, if you are staying in Turkey under articles d,e, f, you must apply for a residence permit with any type within 10 days at the latest if you are going to stay in Turkey after the end of your duties.
Should the foreign person make the application herself/himself for residence permit?
Analiz Süreci
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Başvuru Süreci
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.