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Work Permit for Foreigners

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Work Permit for Foreigners

Çalışma izni Türkiye Cumhuriyeti sınırları içerisinde bulunan yabancı uyruklu insanların yasa dışı çalışmalarını önlemek ve çalışma güvenliğini sağlamaktadır.  Aile, Çalışma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı tarafınca verilen çalışma izni her yabancı uyruklu işçiler izin zorunludur. İşverenlerin işçi alımında yabancı uyruklu işçi çalıştırma imkanının oluşturabilmesi için Yabancı işçi çalışma izni alması zorunludur. Başak Danışmanlık olarak Yabancı çalışma iznini çıkarmak için danışmanlık ve hizmeti bire bir uygulamaktadır. Zaman kaybetmeden çalışma izni almak için hemen iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

Where to Get the Foreign Work Permit?

For all foreigners who have the purpose of working within the borders of Turkey and who are not Turkish nationals, a work permit must be obtained due to the law No. 4817. It is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services. It is a crime to employ foreign workers in the workplace without a foreign work permit. If you are caught, by law, the worker will be deported and the employer will be a subject to criminal sanctions.

How to Get the Permit to Employ Foreign Workers?

Başak Danışmanlık olarak, işyerinizde çalıştırmak istediğiniz yabancı uyruklu işçiler için siz değerli müşterilerimize çalışma izni almaktayız. Başak Danışmanlık ile iletişime geçtiğiniz zaman müşteri temsilcilerimiz sizlere en iyi şekilde açıklamasını yapıp ve derin şartlarıyla detaylı bilgilendirme yapmaktadır.

Türkiye’de yabancı çalıştırmak isteyen işverenler, Çalışma Bakanlığı’ndan Çalışma izni almakla yükümlüdürler.
Yabancı personel Çalışma İzni alınmadan yapılan çalışmalar kaçak çalışma kabul edilir. Denetimlerde tespit edilmesi halinde işverene ve yabancıya idari para cezaları uygulanır. Ayrıca yabancı sınır dışı edilebilir.



The paid-up capital of the workplace must be at least TL 100,000; or its gross sales must be at least TL 800,000; or its last year export amount must be at least USD 250,000. It is a legal obligation for companies to have at least 5 Turkish citizens working for each foreigner they will employ, except for foreigners who will work in jobs received by government procurement. en az 100.000 TL veya brüt satışlarının en az 800.000 TL veya son yıl ihracat tutarının en az 250.000 ABD Doları olması gerekmektedir.
Devlet ihalesi ile alınan işlerde çalışacak yabancılar hariç olmak üzere şirketler, çalıştıracağı her bir yabancı için en az 5 Türk vatandaşının çalışıyor olması yasal zorunluluktur.



The lower limit of wages that employers must pay according to the occupations and jobs that they will employ is determined by the Ministry.




It is 6.5 times the minimum wage for senior managers, pilots and engineers and architects who request a pre-permit. It is 4 times the minimum wage for engineers and architects and unit or branch managers. It is 3 times the minimum wage for teachers, psychologists, physiotherapists, masseurs, masseuses, musicians, stage artists, contortionists and foreigners who will work in jobs requiring expertise and mastery. For foreigners working in home services, the wage must be 1 times the minimum wage. For foreigners to work in positions such as salesperson, marketing-export officer, the minimum wage must be 1.5 times.


The purpose of this law is to bind the work to permit of foreigners in Turkey and to determine the principles related to work permits to be given to foreigners. This law; Includes foreigners working independently or dependent in Turkey, foreigners having vocational training with an employer, and real and legal persons employed by foreigners. Mentioned in this law; Ministry: Ministry of Labour and Social Security Foreign: A person who is not considered a Turkish citizen according to the Turkish citizenship law No. 403 Dependent employee: The foreigner who is at the disposal of one or more employers who have a real or legal personality in return of pay, monthly wage, commission etc. Independent employee: means a foreigner working on his or her behalf, whether or not he or she employs other persons.
Bu kanun;
Türkiye’de bağımlı ya da bağımsız çalışan yabancıları, bir işveren yanında mesleki eğitim gören yabancıları ve yabancı çalıştıran gerçek ve tüzel kişileri kapsar.
Bu kanunda geçen
Bakanlık: Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı’nı
Yabancı: 403 sayılı Türk vatandaşlığı kanununa göre Türk vatandaşı sayılmayan kişiyi
Bağımlı çalışan: Gerçek veya tüzel kişiliği haiz bir veya birden fazla işveren emrinde ücret, aylık, komisyon vb. karşılığı çalışan yabancıyı,
Bağımsız çalışan: Başka şahısları istihdam etsin ya da etmesin kendi ad ve namına çalışan yabancıyı,İfade eder.


Foreigners must obtain permission before they can start working independently or dependent in Turkey. In case of force majeure, the foreign work permit may be issued after the start of the work, provided that the relevant authority is informed before the start of the work, the period of work shall not exceed one month and the approval of the Ministry shall be obtained.
Ülke menfaatlerinin gerekli kıldığı hallerde veya mücbir nedenlere bağlı olarak, çalışmaya başlamadan önce ilgili makama bilgi vermek koşuluyla, çalışma süresi bir ayı geçmemek ve Bakanlık onayı alınmak suretiyle yabancı çalışma izni işe başladıktan sonra da verilebilir.


Permanent work permit is granted to be valid for up to one year to work in a specific workplace or business and in a particular profession, depending on the duration of the foreign residence permit and the duration of the job. After one year of legal work period, the duration of the foreign work permit can be extended up to three years to work in the same workplace and business and in the same profession. At the end of the legal period of three years, the duration of the foreign work permit may be extended up to six years in order to work in the same profession and with the employer of his choice. A work permit may be granted to the spouse and children of a foreigner who has come to Turkey with or after him/her, provided that they have been legally and uninterrupted lived in Turkey for at least five years.


Foreigners who have legal and uninterrupted residence in Turkey for at least eight years or who have legal work for a total of six years may be allowed to work indefinitely.



Independent work permits can be granted by the Ministry on the condition that they have been legally and continuously resident in Turkey for at least eight years.


The following persons may be granted work permit without being subject to the periods stipulated in this law: Foreigners who are married to a Turkish citizen and who live in a marriage union with their spouse in Turkey or who have settled in Turkey after the marriage union has expired after at least three years, and their children whose one of their parents is a Turkish citizen, Those who lost Turkish citizenship and their descendants, Foreigners who came to Turkey before becoming an adult and graduated from vocational schools, colleges and universities, For the foreigners who are accepted as immigrants, refugees and nomads, Citizens of EU member states or their spouses and children who are not citizens of EU member states, Diplomats and employees in the service of administrative and technical personnel employed in embassies and consulates of foreign states in Turkey or the representative offices of international organizations; and their spouse and children within the framework of the principle of reciprocity and tenure Foreigners who will temporarily come to Turkey in excess of one month for scientific and cultural activities and in excess of four months for sporting activities, Foreigners who are the key personnel to be employed by ministries and public institutions and organizations authorized by law in the procurement of goods and services by contract or tender procedures, in the construction of a work or in the operation of a facility.


Annual permits, occupational accidents and occupational diseases, sickness, maternity allowances and periods of unemployment insurance allowances are included in the statutory working period. The foreigner's presence outside Turkey, provided that he does not exceed six months in total, does not cut the working period. However, time spent outside Turkey is not counted as working time. The residence of a foreigner who has neglected his / her residence permit for more than six months, even though he / she is in Turkey, is considered a deduction in terms of work permits.


Foreigners who are exempted from work permit are given a work permit exemption certificate by the ministry if they wish.


Permissions to work within the framework of the principle of reciprocity and the rights provided by bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Turkey is a party are reserved; The situation in the job market, developments in working life and where sectoral and economic conjuncture conditions are required, for a certain period of time, agriculture, industry or service sectors may be limited by a certain profession, business or property and geographical area.


Türkiye dışında ikamet eden yabancılar, çalışma izni başvurularını ülkelerde ki TC temsilciliklerine yaparlar. Temsilcilikler başvuruları doğrudan Bakanlığa iletirler. Bakanlık ilgili mercilerin görüşlerini alarak yabancılara çalışma iznini verir. Bu izin çalışma vizesi ve ikamet izninin alınmasıyla birlikte geçerlilik kazanır. Bu belgeyi aldıktan sonra en geç doksan gün içinde ülkeye giriş vizesi talebinde bulunmaları, ülkeye giriş yaptıkları tarihten itibaren en geç otuz gün içinde Bakanlığa ikamet tezkeresi almak için başvurmaları zorunludur.
Türkiye’de geçerli ikamet izni olan yabancılar veya bunların işverenleri başvurularını Bakanlığa yurt içinden yapabilir.


Work permits are issued by the ministry to foreigners depending on the conditions brought by the law, taking the professional competence opinions of the relevant authorities regarding the profession, arts and works they can work in.


The request for the the foreign work permit or extension of the foreign work permit shall be rejected in the following cases: If the situation in the business market, changes in the working life and the changes in the sectoral and economic conjuncture related to employment are not suitable for granting work permits, If a person with the same qualifications be present in the country within four weeks of applying for the job, The absence of a valid residence permit of the foreigner, If a foreign person who has been denied permission for a business, workplace or profession requests permission again for the same business, workplace or profession before one year from the date of the rejection of the permission request, If the work of the foreigner poses a threat to national security, public order, public interest, general morality and general health.


Foreigner's work in violation of the restrictions listed in Articles 11 and 13; or if the existence of one of the cases stipulated in article 14; or the foreigner or employer is subsequently identified as giving incomplete or incorrect information in the work permit request petition, the Ministry cancels its work permit and notifies the relevant Ministry.


Work permit loses its validity in the cases below: If the foreigner's residence permit becomes invalid for any reason or the validity period is not extended, If the foreigner’s passport expires and is not extended, If the foreigner stays abroad for more than six months without interruption except for force majeure.


Dentistry, midwifery, nursing Pharmacy Veterinary medicine Responsible directorate in private hospitals Advocacy Notary Security guard in private or public institutions Export of fish, oysters, mussels, sponges, pearls, corals within the land waters; diving, seeking, guiding, captain, wheeling, clerk, crew, etc. Customs brokerage


1-Çalışma izin talep edilen işyerlerinde en az beş TC vatandaşının istihdamı zorunludur. İzin isteyen yabancının şirket ortağı olması halinde beş kişilik istihdam şartı Bakanlıkça verilecek bir yıllık yabancı çalışma izninin son altı ayı için aranır. Aynı işyerinde birden fazla yabancı çalışma izni talebinde bulunulması durumunda çalışma izni verilen ilk yabancıdan sonra ki her bir yabancı için ayrı ayrı beş TC vatandaşı istihdamı aranacaktır.
2-İşyerinin ödenmiş sermayesinin en az 100.000 TL olması gerekir.
3-İşyerinin brüt satışlarının en az 800.000 TL yahut son yıl ihracat cirosunun en az 250.000 USD olması gerekir. ( Bazı faaliyetler de ciro şartı farklılıklar gösterebilir )
4-İzin isteyen şirket ortağı yabancının 40.000 TL den az olmamak üzere sermaye payının en az %20 olması zorunludur.
5-İşveren tarafından yabancıya ödeneceği beyan edilen aylık ücret miktarının yabancının görev ve yetkinliği ile bağdaşır şekilde olması zorunludur. Buna göre başvuru tarihi itibariyle yürürlükte bulunan asgari ücret tutarı dikkate alınmak suretiyle yabancıya ödenecek ücretin en az
Üst düzey yöneticiler, pilotlar ve ön izin talebinde bulunan mimar ve mühendisler için asgari ücretin 6,5 katı
Birim veya şube müdürleriyle, mühendis ve mimarlar için asgari ücretin 4 katı
Uzmanlık ve ustalık gerektiren işlerde çalışacaklar, öğretmenler ile psikolog, fizyoterapist, müzisyen ve sahne sanatçıları unvanlarında çalışacaklar için asgari ücretin 3 katı
Ev hizmetlerinde çalıştırılacak yabancılar için en az asgari ücret kadar, yukarıda sayılanlar dışında çalıştırılacaklar için ( satış elemanı, ihracat, pazarlama görevlisi gibi) çalışacak yabancı vatandaşlar için asgari ücretin 1,5 katı
Turizm, animasyon ve organizasyon firmalarında akrobat ve benzeri unvanlarında çalışacak yabancılar ile masör, masöz ve SPA terapisti gibi işlerde çalışacak yabancı vatandaşlar için asgari ücretin 2 katı
Bünyelerinde izinli masaj salonu bulunduğunu kanıtlayan Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığından belgeli en az 4 yıldızlı turizm işletmeleri ile belgeli tatil köylerinin masör, masöz ve SPA terapisti gibi uzmanlık ve ustalık gerektiren talepleri değerlendirmeye alınacak ve bu kapsamda uygun bulunmayan işletme ve işyerlerinin talepleri ise uygun bulunmayacaktır.
NOT: Eğlence sektörünün, turizm animasyon organizasyon firmalarının uzmanlık ve ustalık gerektiren işlerinde istihdam edilecek yabancılar için en az 10 TC vatandaşı çalıştırılması halinde her bir yabancı için ayrı ayrı beş TC vatandaşı istihdamına ilişkin kota ayrıca uygulanmayacaktır.



Following criteria could be considered in the process of obtaining the work permit;


The ministry examines the work permit application files extensively, considering the following criteria:

  •  Situation in the job market
  •  Developments in working life
  •  Sectoral, geographical and economic conjuncture related to employment
  •  The absence of Turkish personnel with the same qualifications who can replace the foreigner

  •  Country of foreign personnel
  •  Foreign personnel's expertise, qualifications and competencies, educational status
  •  Information that shows the specific nature of the work
  • The need to employ foreign personnel in matters such as the contribution of the workplace to the national economy.

What is a work permit?

A work permit is a document issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in the form of an official document which gives the foreigner the right to work and residence in Turkey within the validity period. According to the International Labour Law No. 6735, foreigners must obtain permission before starting dependent or independent work in Turkey, unless otherwise stipulated in bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Turkey is a party.

Why the persons who want to work in Turkey have to obtain work permit?

Foreigners who work in Turkey without a valid work permit are subject to criminal and administrative proceedings. The passports, entrance, visa and residence permit issues will be examined and if the foreigner found to be working without permission, he/she would be deported.

What is a foreign I.D. number?

Türkiye’de çalışma izni veya en az altı ay süreli ikamet izni düzenlenen yabancılara elektronik ortamda verilen on bir rakamdan oluşan numaradır.

Is it enough to have a residence permit to work legally?

No. Unless otherwise stipulated in the bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Turkey is a party, foreigners are required to obtain work permits before starting dependent or independent work in Turkey.

Is work permit counts as residence permit?

Yes. Work permit or work permit exemption granted according to law No. 6735 replaces the residence permit in accordance with Article 27 of Law No. 6458. However, work permits issued to international protection applicants, conditional refugees and foreigners in temporary protection status do not replace residency permits.

Do the family members of a foreigner who has a work permit in Turkey have a residence permit?

The spouse and dependent kids of the foreigner who has came to Turkey with or after foreigner’s arrival to work in Turkey, may also be granted a permanent work permit, provided that they lived with the foreigner for at least five years legally and without interruption.

Is there a fee for work permit?

In accordance with the Law no. 492, work permits and work permit exemptions to be granted to foreigners are subject to spending. In addition, the work permit documents issued by the Ministry in accordance with the Law no. 210 are considered valuable paper and a valuable paper fee is charged from each work permit and work permit exemption to be issued. You can access the current work permit fee amounts and valuable paper fee amounts on the website www.ailevecalisma.gov.tr.
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